William Michael Windsor

Not William Michael Windsor

William Michael Windsor is one of the authors of Bob Barker and Me: Life in Cell Block 7.





This is not William Michael Windsor, but whoever he is, he’s a handsome dude, and Windsor needed a photo to compete with Alex Gibson.

William Michael Windsor78 will be 75 on 10/02/2023.  He is disabled.  He is not an attorney, but he has studied law basically non-stop for 17 years.

Over the last 14 years, Windsor has assisted over 2,000 people from all 50 states and DC with their problems with INjustice.

He does this for free for those who cannot afford attorneys.  Windsor affectionately calls these people “Nobodies,” because we have no power.

Bill Windsor

These Nobodies are co-authors of this book.

Windsor believes he is the leading authority in the U.S. regarding pro se issues and judicial corruption.

According to various online-reported studies, 63% of the people in courts today cannot afford an attorney.  Many never file, and those who do invariably lose.

Windsor naively thought judges were honest, but it cost him all the money he had to discover federal Judge Orinda D. Evans of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia was totally corrupt.

Windsor was sued by the people who used to do the boat rides at Niagara Falls.  The entire 2006 sworn under penalty of perjury complaint was false.  Windsor doesn’t have any proof that Judge Orinda D. Evans was paid off, though she may have been.  The bad guys were represented by the largest law firm in Georgia, which was enough.

Those representing themselves have a legal right to do so, but they almost always lose.

Windsor became the most hated man in America by judges because he set out to prove the judicial system is hopelessly corrupt.

He was a multi-millionaire, but judges have stolen all of his money.

He has endured hundreds of death threats and two attempts to murder him.

Bill Windsor MugshotWilliam Michael Windsor has never committed a crime, but he was put in the Ellis County Texas Jail claiming he was being held for Montana.  Missoula Montana is where the man is who has attempted to murder him, Sean Boushie.

When he finally managed to get his release from the Texas jail, the Texas District Attorney, Patrick Wilson, distributed a Wanted Poster nationwide.  He was picked up in Meridian, Idaho and held in the Ada County Jail on a $4.1 million bond.

That’s where he met Josh Hooker and Alex Gibson.  They wrote this book in 35 days.

Windsor lived in the Orlando area from 1969 to 1977, and he moved back in 2016.

A second attempt to murder him took place on May 5, 2017.

Windsor was disabled when an 18-wheeler hit him and knocked him and his little convertible airborne near Exit 265 on the Florida Turnpike.  Windsor suffered significant injuries, and he has been denied medical care because the personal injury lawsuit is still pending.  He can’t walk.

Windsor used what money he had left on medical tests.  He could not afford to hire an attorney, and none of the contingency attorneys would take the case because they knew Windsor was so hated by the judges in Florida and elsewhere.

He has significant medical injuries, and it is an open-and-shut case that should pay Windsor millions in damages.  But Windsor has been denied his legal rights to represent himself in Florida.  Judge Jeff Ashton has committed multiple crimes against Windsor.

Windsor obtained new information but was denied his effort to have the case reopened.  He gave it his best shot in 2009 and 2010, but every judge in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia and the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit proved to be corrupt.

In 2010, Breitbart.com ran a story about Windsor’s case, and over 10,000 people contacted him to tell him their stories.  He had naively thought it was just him.

We have a gargantuan problem in America.  Over the last 15 years, Windsor has come up with a number of ideas to try to get our fellow Americans to understand the gravity of the situation.  Nothing has accomplished much.

Lawless AmericaWe live in Lawless America… a hopelessly corrupt country.  So, be fully aware of what you/we are up against.  Windsor hates to say it, but your only real hope of winning in a corrupt court is if you can afford to hire an attorney who will assure you that he or she has a relationship with your judge that should ensure you will win.

In 2011, Windsor brought suit in Case No. 2011-CV-200971 in the Superior Court of Fulton County Georgia for Violation of state laws. It was unlawfully removed to federal court where the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia (“DISTRICT COURT”) never addressed the removal and never determined jurisdiction as required by law.

A series of Void Orders and Void Judgments were issued by the DISTRICT COURT, including Permanent Injunction Orders that purported to deny Windsor the right to file actions in a state court anywhere in America without the permission of Judge Thomas W. Thrash, a judge chosen by the corrupt powers-that-be in Georgia to deny Windsor just about everything.

Federal courts have no jurisdiction over state courts, but the law was meaningless to Judge Thomas W. Thrash.

Windsor was denied appeals by wrongful denial of In Forma Pauperis status. [RULE #31.]

This shut Windsor out of doing anything further.

In 2022, an elderly disabled woman in Waco, Texas asked Windsor to be her guardian.  She wanted him to save her.  Applying to be a guardian was not anything corrupt Judge Thomas W. Thrash had any jurisdiction over, but Windsor thought if he could get him to issue another unlawful order, he would have something new with which to work.

Windsor had filed Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, so that should have stopped the unlawful denials of In Forma Pauperis.  Judge Thomas W. Thrash took the bait.

Windsor fought him and the 11th Circuit.  When the 11th Circuit ignored the undeniable fact that Federal courts have no jurisdiction over state courts, Windsor decided he had to try the United States Supreme Court.

This is well-known to be an exercise in futility.  8,000 petitions a year are submitted, and an average of only 180 are considered.  Justice Clarence Thomas initially handles 11th Circuit cases, so Georgia, Florida, and Alabama.

On December 26, 2022, Windsor lost balance, fell, and lost all use of the fingers and thumbs on his left hand.  He’s a two-finger typist reduced to one finger.  Everything Windsor does now, including the entire contents of this book, is done with his right index finger and the mouse.

On May 15, 2023, Windsor filed a Petition to the United States Supreme Court arising out of orders in the DISTRICT COURT and the 11th CIRCUIT.

United States Supreme Court Justices 2023

Windsor was TOTALLY SHOCKED and ecstatic when a Clerk to Justice Clarence Thomas called to tell Windsor his Petition had been docketed.  He thought that was just a formality, but Jake explained to him that all nine justices of the United States Supreme Court would personally decide Windsor’s case.  Jake assured Windsor he wasn’t wearing a red shirt and khaki pants. LOL.

Windsor later learned that United States Supreme Court Case # 22-7648 will be heard on September 26, 2023.85

Jake informed Windsor that if he (Pro Se) won, it may be the first case in history to be won by someone who was not an attorney.

Bill WindsorWindsor’s research showed one guy beat him to the punch in 1971.  So, he would be the second-ever pro-se party and the first in 52 years.

This article summarized the situation on 9/6/2023 —  https://lawlessamerica.com/74-year-old-disabled-man-with-use-of-only-one-finger-will-have-all-nine-u-s-supreme-court-justices-hear-his-pro-se-petition/


Bob Barker & Me: Life in Cell Block 7 is a new non-fiction book written by three unlikely cellmates in Cell Block 7 in the Ada County Idaho Jail. William M. Windsor, Joshua P. Hooker, and Alex T. Gibson had never met, came from totally different walks of life and generations, but they became fast friends and wrote as they spent 35 days together in a 240-square-foot cell in what amounted to maximum security in jail in Boise Idaho!

The book is available now on Amazon.